Sunday 20 July 2014

You Don’t Have to Pretend to be Strong

You Don’t Have to Pretend to be Strong

Fishing SceneCome to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
We all have moments when our trouble feels big and our faith feels so small.
I think of the story in the Gospels when a man who couldn’t walk was lowered through the roof by his friends and placed at the feet of Jesus. We all get to the point sometimes when we can’t take another step. There’s no shame in that, and you don’t have to pretend to be strong.
Let those who love you carry you. Tell them what you need. Ask for help. See that as an act of courage—not of weakness. Because that’s what it is.
And your part? Simply being willing to be laid before Jesus. You can come to him with your questions, your fears, your hurts. He is still there. He still cares. He has not forgotten you. And he never will.
You don’t need to be stronger. You don’t need to have more faith. You don’t need to pretend everything is okay.
You only need one thing: to be willing to receive.
Jesus can take it from there. He will find a way for you to be carried as far as you need to go. Then he will look at you with eyes of love and heal your heart, your life, in the ways only he can. Be still, friend, and wait. He’s even closer than you realize—he always has been

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