“I have prayed the prayer to receive Jesus,” my friend said to me. “But I didn’t feel any different, so I guess nothing happened.”
I know what she meant. After I prayed to receive Jesus, I felt no different either. Except that now I wanted to read the Bible. As I did so, day after day, I met Jesus in a most remarkable way. Joy and peace flooded my heart. But feelings are not reliable and soon I experienced the whole gamut of emotions including fear and doubt. I had to learn to walk by faith and not by feelings.
In so many ways Jesus let me know that He was with me. By reading His Word, I began to see who I really am—a beloved child of God in whom He delights. Even though my emotions were in turmoil, God had not left me. For he promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)
If we seek an experience—an emotional high—rather than God, we will become disappointed. We might even say, “I’ve tried God and it didn’t work.” The Bible says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you,” declares the LORD”.
How do we seek God with all our hearts? By looking in places where He might be found: reading the Bible, going to church, attending Bible study, going for a quiet nature hike, listening to beautiful music and talking to Him. When God becomes central, all sorts of experiences happen. Life becomes full and exciting.
Thank you Father, that You want us to know You. You’re not playing hide-and-seek. You created us for fellowship with Yourself. Help me to trust You more. Amen.
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