God delights in how he made you. You are one of his masterpieces. You are his song to be sung in a key of music that is unique to you, in a rhythm, a harmony, and an orchestration that God rejoices to sing inside of you. The music of heaven graces your life as others see and hear and touch who you are, so that they receive from him the awesome display of his delight in you.
Appreciate the delightful work of God’s hands that you are. God designed what you do to be built on the foundation of who you are in him. Ecclesiastes 3:11 says, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.”
You are not a tool designed to function to do good works because the world needs them done. God has given you the authority and compassion to be a part of meeting needs, but higher than that, you are beautiful and complete like the portrait that God painted in
1 Samuel 16:18 of a man after his own heart. You are a worshiper who sings back to him the songs of heaven. You are brave with holy boldness, kept by the One who stands strong in you. You are a warrior who fights the right battles because you listen to your Commander. You have wise and gracious words that come from the wellspring of a righteous heart. You are fine-looking as you reflect the image of Jesus. You possess the signature that the Lord is with you. He “signed off on you.” Receive the seal of his signature on you.
1 Samuel 16:18 of a man after his own heart. You are a worshiper who sings back to him the songs of heaven. You are brave with holy boldness, kept by the One who stands strong in you. You are a warrior who fights the right battles because you listen to your Commander. You have wise and gracious words that come from the wellspring of a righteous heart. You are fine-looking as you reflect the image of Jesus. You possess the signature that the Lord is with you. He “signed off on you.” Receive the seal of his signature on you.
In your spirit you are blessed to live in the beauty of being well-pleasing to your Father. You are beautiful, dressed in royal robes designed to express the position and privilege of being the King’s heir. You have royal inheritance of authority and privilege. You are a display of his splendor from his throne room. Be blessed with fulfillment in the grace and beauty of heaven seen in you. Be blessed with the peace and joy of heaven about you. You are blessed with the perfume of heaven about you. You are blessed with the color and light of heaven reflected upon you.
God is investing in you, caring for you, nurturing you. Be blessed with becoming everything he has called you to be and being all he has designed you to become so that all of heaven rejoices. Receive the delight of Jesus in his creation: you!
Be blessed in the name of the One who rejoices in his works (Psalm 104:31).
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