Wednesday 19 June 2013

Did You Know You’re Someone Special?

Did You Know You’re Someone Special

by Elfrieda Nikkel  

Marjorie grew up with with a sense of worthlessness.  Again and again her father said she would never accomplish anything in life.  He told her she was a loser and that anything she did try was sure to end in failure.  With these words ringing in her ears she grew up looking for someone who would love her and see her as a person of worth.  This led her into relationships that were disappointing to her, ending in pain and devastation with yet another proof that she was worthless and unlovable. Maybe you can identify with Marjorie and your story is much like hers.  Where does our sense of self worth come from?
It is true that the foundation for a person’s self-worth is laid in the home.  Words that we hear in our home can build or tear down our worth as a person.  The Bible speaks of words of life and death in Prov.18:21 where it says,”Death and life are in the power of the tongue,...” As we hear words of affirmation and encouragement they are words of life to us while words of criticism and belittling are words of death.  Other people like teachers, friends, employers and spouses add to the collection of life-giving or death words in a person’s heart.  Over time a person begins to see themselves in the light of these words. Is this the final word or is there hope that one can develop a sense of worth as a person?
If we look in the Scriptures we see that God never meant it to be this way.  He speaks words of life into the heart of every person.  We read in Genesis that when God completed the creation of the world he made man in his likeness or image.  This likeness gave man and later also the woman he made the capacity to think, to make decisions, to know right from wrong, to be creative and to have the ability to communicate and have a personal relationship.  Not only did God put this potential in the heart of man and woman he also gave them an assignment to use these abilities.  They were told to rule over the things he had created and give to each a name.  Herein lies the potential to organize, care,  and to be in charge.
 Although the assignment to be fruitful is linked to increasing in number  it could also indicate creativity in other areas.  Fruitfulness can also speak of the outcome of our labour, of putting our God given creativity to work in a job, a home based business, our homes or in areas where God has given us a creative interest which every person possesses who is created in the image of God.  Fruit speaks of a beautiful outcome of our labors.
One of the most beautiful aspects of the creation of man is God seeing the need for man to be in a relationship, to have a companion.  God places this need and capacity into the heart of each person.  Each has the potential to be a friend, a companion, a helper or a person of influence.
This is what God had in mind when he created you.  He created you in his image so that you could think, make choices, use your creativity, build relationships, faithfully work at the tasks in your hand and be a person of influence in the lives of others.
But that’s not all.  This was only the beginning.  In Psalms 139 he says we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” and describes the creation of each person with words like “knit together” and “woven together” and “ordaining our days” all of  which require a plan by a great creator.  God had a plan for each of our lives and put together each person with abilities, personality and potential.
But the greatest evidence of our worth is that he loved us so much that he sent his son to die for us when we were sinners and totally unlovable.  We were worth it to him.  But there’s more to that as well.  When we believe that Jesus died for us and we accept his forgiveness we become his child.  A son and daughter of the King of Kings.  As we live in that relationship with him we begin to reflect his godly character and we produce the fruit of the Spirit named in  Galatians 5:22-23 as: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. The beauty of this fruit in our lives makes each of us a person of impact and influence.
 No matter what “words of death” others have spoken about you God’s view of you rises above those words and he speaks “words of life” into your heart today.   He says, “I created you in my image, I gave you abilities to rule, organize, manage your area of life, I gave you a creativity that if followed will bring you joy, I made you to be a companion or friend to someone, to be a person of influence, you are precious to me, I loved you so much that I gave my son to die for you and now I want you to be my representative to share this love with others on earth. ”
God made you a person of worth.  He decided when he planned your life what abilities he would give to you.  We all have varying amounts of ability to organize, lead, create or influence but we have the choice as to what we want to do with that which God has entrusted to us.  God also gives us opportunities where we can use these abilities.  The fruitfulness depends on how we care for, cultivate and use each of these abilities which in turn results in the fruitfulness of influencing the lives of the people God has placed in our world whether they be children, spouses, employees, friends or neighbors.  You are special to God and he wants to use you to speak “words of life” into the lives of those around you.
Have you ever opened up your heart to God and asked Him to enable you to become the person He created you to be?  If you would like to have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ, you can say this prayer:
Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of the throne of my life. Make the kind of person You want me to be.
If you prayed today and asked Jesus Christ to come into your life and take control, we would love to hear from you. Drop us a quick line using the form below and if you're looking for a response, we'll do that too.
God Bless you.

Destiny's Child: He Chose Me First

Destiny's Child: He Chose Me First 

by Betty Lau 

Betty LauGrowing up in East Malaysia, on Borneo island, I often wondered about the future. What could I expect from my life? What lay ahead for me?
I pondered the pattern that I could predictably follow. I would grow up. I would go to church. I would go to school. Eventually, I would go through high school, get my diploma and graduate. I might go on to university or other higher education. Then I might get married and have a family. And then I would die.
Life seemed pretty short that way. There might be different landmarks along the way, but looking at what could be considered a "normal life" I had to ask: "Is that all there is?"
I was very disappointed. I knew there had to be some higher purpose–some reason that Betty Lau existed in this world. I partied a lot, but in a good way–I just wanted to have fun and enjoy what my life appeared to be. I had no real sense of commitment.
But even my home began to seem too small for me. As much as I knew that there had to be more to my life than what I was living, I knew there had to be more to my world than just Malaysia. I was looking for answers. I was seeking direction.
One night, a friend of mine invited me to a concert. I love music, so I said, "Sure. Why not?" As the music played, I noticed a man standing in the crowd. He had his hand above his head and he was holding a book. "I know the plan for your life," he declared confidently.
This certainly got my attention, but I was a little miffed. How did he know the plan for my life–for anybody's life?
"I know God's plan for your life!"
God's plan? For my life? I had to have that book!
I approached him after the concert and asked: "The book that you had in your hand–can I buy it?"
"What book?" he responded.
"The book that you had–that you said had the plan for my life!"
"Oh," he replied. "You mean the Bible."
The Bible? I stared at him. But I already had the Bible. I had grown up in a Christian home–a nice church and all the nice Christian activities. Yet in the face of my many Muslim friends and Buddhist relatives, I had come to believe that all religions led to God. I knew that there was someone out there far bigger than myself, but beyond that I had no meaning in my life.
I thought that this man was offering the blueprint I had been looking for, but it was a book I already knew. Or did I?
"I already have the Bible," I said.
"Have you ever read it?" he asked me. That was a challenge I could not ignore. I had gone to Sunday School and read the Bible "here and there", but did I really BELIEVE it?
"Do you know what you will happen to you when you die?" he asked.
"No," I replied. "No one can know." I was fairly sceptical. I grew up in a religious home, but all my friends were religious too. I didn't believe in absolutes.
"The Bible says that you can. Do you think that God would lie to you?"
"No," I said. "But you might."
Patiently, he showed me the verses in the Bible that explained that Jesus Christ had died to give me ETERNAL life. I could know with certainty what would happen to me not only in this life, but after my death. Jesus–the one and only way to God–had already paid for my sins.
Jesus died for me. The life that I looked ahead to with such apathy was so important to Him that He gave His life for me. He chose me.
I gave my life to Christ that night. I knew that I had found the destiny that I had been seeking. I know now that I'm more than just an insignificant speck among so many. Christ gives my life purpose and meaning–my relationship with Him provides the significance that I once believed could not exist.
Take a look at your life.  How would you describe it? Contented? Rushed? Exciting? Stressful? Moving forward? Holding back? For many of us it’s all of the above at times.  There are things we dream of doing one day, there are things we wish we could forget.  In the Bible, it says that Jesus came to make all things new.  What would your life look like if you could start over with a clean slate?
Living with hope If you are looking for peace, there is a way to balance your life. No one can be perfect, or have a perfect life. But every one of us has the opportunity to experience perfect grace through a personal relationship with God through His Son, Jesus Christ. You can receive Christ right now by faith through prayer. Praying is simply talking to God. God knows your heart and is not so concerned with your words as He is with the attitude of your heart. Here's a suggested prayer:
Lord Jesus, I want to know you personally. Thank you for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life to you and ask you to come in as my Savior and Lord. Take control of my life. Thank you for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Make me the kind of person you want me to be.
Does this prayer express the desire of your heart? You can pray it right now, and Jesus Christ will come into your life, just as He promised. 
Is this the life for you?
If you invited Christ into your life, thank God often that He is in your life, that He will never leave you and that you have eternal life. As you learn more about your relationship with God, and how much He loves you, you'll experience life to the fullest.

Wednesday 5 June 2013


“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.” John 8:36 (NLT)
His mercies allow you to live free from the guilt of the past.
His grace allows you to live free from the cares of the day.
His hope allows you to live free from the fears of tomorrow.
His cross allows you to live free from the power of sin;
His justification allows you to live free from the judgment of sin;
His blood allows you to live free from the stain of sin.

Tomorrow is a New Day

I lift up my eyes to the hills from where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord the maker of the heavens and the earth.” Psalms 121:1-2
Sometimes we do not feel like we want to feel.
Sometimes we do not achieve what we want to achieve.
Sometimes things that happen do not make sense.
Sometimes life leads us in directions that are beyond our control.
It is at these times, most of all that we need someone who will quietly understand us and be there to support us
The Lord is saying.
I want you to know that I am here for you in every way, in every situation
in every perplexity, every turmoil and confusion that you go through, I go through with you, you are not alone, and remember that though things may be difficult now – tomorrow is a new day.

In Hot Pursuit

The enemy is all around me
Pursuing me on every side,
But in Your Word I will abide.
For I am really in hot pursuit
After You Oh Lord and as fighting
Ensues I run in hot pursuit to
the shelter of Your Wings
Of protection!
All night upon my bed communing
With You and just before the dawn
Rising to seek for You….but many
Times You elude me!
Searching for You and in hot pursuit
Still not able to find You.
With awe and adoration filled with
Delight, I will continue in hot pursuit
Until I am translated in Your Holy
For it is Your Face I seek in hot pursuit
Of You Oh Lord!

Be Joyful

Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
Thoughts on today’s verse
Where does your heart live? That’s what these verses are all about. Is there a constant awareness in your life that God is present? Is he the unseen but always present companion in all your ups and downs? Or is God here when it is convenient and gone when things are busy? Joy comes from knowing we are never alone. Prayer is the ongoing conversation we have, Spirit to Spirit, with God. Giving thanks is the great reminder that we have been blessed no matter what the circumstances may suggest.
Precious and Righteous Father, thank you for being there. Give me a deeper appreciation and a always more profound awareness of your presence today. May my life reflect the joy you have given me by saving me by grace. And may my heart always find its home in you. Through Jesus I pray. Amen.

Worship the Lord Your God

I heard the car door slam in the driveway, and I raced to the front door.  I was just in time to see my granddaughter’s fabulous blue eyes under cupped hands, above an ear-to-ear grin, peering through a window pane of the French doors.  I was opening the door from the inside as she was pushing it open from the outside.  I reached down to her, and she leaped up toward me as I picked her up.  She locked her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck.  We hugged each other fervently.  I kept saying, “I am so glad you came to see me,” while she smothered me with kisses.  She did not want to let me go.  She kept saying, “I want to stay here with you always.”  So we sat down on the stairs, with her still entwined around me, and we continued our life-and-death embrace for minutes on end.
That is worship.
Do you feel the passionate heart connection that marks worship?  Each day your Abba Father in Heaven awaits that type of connection with you.  Worship means to throw kisses toward.  Jesus told us that people who “throw kisses to God” are the kind of worshipers God seeks.  The Greek word “worship” in John 4:23-24 is proskuneo, to throw a kiss toward someone in token of respect or homage, to adore, to show respect, or to kneel or fall prostrate before in reverence.  The ancient manner of greeting between persons of vastly different ranks was that the one who was inferior fell to his knees and touched his forehead to the ground, throwing kisses toward his superior.
My prayer for you is that as you awake every morning, your heart would be full of worship for our almighty and loving God.  May you press your face up to your Abba with anticipation of connecting with Him in a real and powerful way, locking onto Him, not wanting to let Him go.

A Call to Godly Living

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.” Romans 12:1
The apostle Paul lived in an age when sensuality, the pursuit of pleasure, and rebellion against the Lord were prevalent. In response, he wrote letters urging Christians not to follow in the ways of the world. Like those early believers, we are to pursue godliness by…
1.    Presenting our bodies to God. Our total being–mind, will, emotions, personality, and physical body–are to be turned over to our heavenly Father
(James 4:7a). Submitting ourselves to the Lord requires a definite decision to give Him control and a daily commitment to remain under His authority. By surrendering to Him, we will position ourselves for godly living.
2.    Becoming living sacrifices. The Christian life is built around the concept of sacrifice. Jesus left the perfection of heaven to dwell among a sinful people so He might reconcile us to God. He offered up His life to make payment for our sins
(1 John 3:16) and brought us into His family. As believers, we are to follow His example. Paul called it a living sacrifice, because it is ongoing–one that is repeated daily.
Life is full of options. Many decisions involve a choice between following God’s way or our own. Maturing Christians will increasingly sacrifice their own desires and embrace His will.
A life of godliness is characterized by a heart and mind bent toward the things of God. Although we will live imperfectly, our focus is to be on obeying His will and pleasing Him. Let’s commit to becoming more like Jesus, the One who willingly gave Himself to God as a sacrifice for us

Making Progress

His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness… For this very reason, make every effort to add to.”
2 Peter 1:3 and 5
The business owner who wishes to see positive numbers in the profit column regularly traces the company’s financial progress. Any supervisor who genuinely cares for the welfare of her employees – as well as for the success of her company – consistently tracks how well the employees are doing.
Christians, too, have a way to measure their progress, or growth. God wants to see his children grow to be more like Jesus, and who among us does not want to have the characteristics of Jesus increasingly evident in our lives?
Peter writes that we should make every effort to “add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love.
In their effort to increase employees’ progress, employers and supervisors can provide a positive and encouraging work atmosphere, training sessions, seminar, etc. But God provides much more. He “has given us everything we need for life and godliness.” The Apostle Paul writes, “God is at work within you, helping you want to obey him, and then helping you do what he wants.” (Philippians 2:13)
How’s your progress?
Father, thank you for providing everything we need to grow spiritually. Forgive us for too often being satisfied with the status quo, or measuring ourselves by others.

One More Rock

Jesus said, “Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
As Dawn read that, she thought back to her grueling hike up a mountain during a spiritual retreat.
Oh how she struggled under the burden of an increasingly heavy backpack.
At each leg of her journey, a rock was added.
On each rock was the name of a sin like cursing or jealousy.
As she neared the top, the shape of a cross came into view.
Dawn was exhausted.  She released the stones at the base of the cross.
You see, she was carrying burdens around she didn’t need to.
And I suspect, you do too.
The stones you carry have names like anger, envy, deceit, and fear.
Friend, today, lay down the weights of your life at the foot of the cross.

Let Your Light Shine

You are the light of the world…let your light shine before men
John 5:16
Someone told me that we influence at least 250 people during our lifetime. Today, with the Internet connecting us with more people, I believe our influence is much greater.
I recently watched a true story featured on the video Paradise Road. It told of a woman who used her influence and training to give a group of women hope, courage, peace, unity and a reason to keep living.
The women were prisoners of war. They came from diverse backgrounds – high society and farmers. They were from different countries. At first they didn’t trust each other, but as life become more difficult for them, they began to work together.
God used this woman in an amazing way. With her music and organizational abilities, she united the women to form an orchestra and patiently taught them how to use their voices to sound like instruments. Soon they were able to create a beautiful concert.
She gave them something to beautiful to focus on besides their own misery and their horrific surroundings. Every day women died at the hands of their captors or from disease, but the group was able to keep going because of her courage.
There were, of course, some women who wouldn’t join the choir and watched from afar, but most followed her.
Over half the women in the choir died. One day, when they were having yet another funeral procession, one of the guards asked her, “Where is your choir now?”
Instead of letting his remark discourage her, she picked up two rocks and began banging out a rhythm. Soon others followed her example, using sticks, shoes – whatever they could find. They were an orchestra again and were encouraged. Even those who usually sat and watched joined in the music.
Finally the war was over and they were set free. This woman had given them hope, courage, and even joy by inspiring them to make something beautiful in dire circumstances.
You are like this woman when Jesus Christ controls your life,
You shine like stars…as you hold out the word of life” (Philippians 2:15).
You help women see something beautiful in life, no matter the circumstances. You are the light of the world.
Think for a moment about the people you influence. The ones you meet at your local coffee shop, the grocery store, clothing store and online, as well as your neighbors, coworkers, church and family. God can use you to help introduce people you know to Christ, the One who brings light into our souls and eyes. Why not point them to the gospel in the related link, How to Know God Personally.
Father of light, we thank You that You place joy, hope, light and a reason to keep living in our hearts. Give us the courage to spread that light to everyone with whom we come into contact. Amen.

I Am Made by God

You created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.“  Psalm 139:13-14
Thoughts on today’s verse
I am made by God! You are made by God. Just as surely as ANYone has been made by God, we have been made by God. He knew us before anyone knew we were there. He had plans for us before anyone planned our arrival. And he made us well! How do we know? Look at all God has made.
God Almighty, my Savior and Redeemer, thank you for knowing me before I was able to know. Thank you for choosing my life and giving it to me. Thank you for giving me the gifts, abilities and talents that you have given me. Now help me live as if I was made special by you, because I am! Through Jesus I pray. Amen.


1 Timothy 5:5-6  The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help. But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives. (NIV)

Growing old graciously takes a lifetime of practise! Usually, increasing age displays more of our real character. We will lose some of the social tricks which cover up our weaknesses and will increasingly reveal what we are really like. The potential load of social care to widows in Ephesus was huge and so Paul instructed Timothy to focus on those widows who had nobody to help them, and who have practically demonstrated their faith in Jesus.

The first sign of faith, for someone who is destitute, is confidence in God and absence of anxiety. Instead of worrying, the widow will pray; instead of haranguing neighbours and complaining about her circumstances, she will keep on asking God to help her. She sees that her future is safe in God’s hands (Psalm 37:25). Contrast that attitude with those who, while claiming poverty, only live for each day and spend what they have to please themselves; they are living spiritually moribund lives.

It is good for young and middle aged people to spend time with gracious and godly people who are in the last part of their lives. Their character shows through and they can be a wonderful example to the church. Likewise, godly grandparents can leave a lasting legacy in the hearts of their grandchildren. Often, the believers who have only a little demonstrate best what is important: prayer, trust and obedience. They have practised looking to Jesus for salvation, God’s Word for instruction, and the Holy Spirit for strength. Although most Word@Work readers are of working age, and not elderly, this passage is a reminder to all of us to start preparing our hearts for old age.

Prayer:  Dear Heavenly Father. Thank You for loving me, and for the example of gracious older believers who have given me a model of Christ-likeness. Please help me to practise praying in the good times so that I learn to trust You: I do not want to become embittered in old age, anxious and frustrated in seeking pleasure. May I learn well from godly examples and learn how to become a role model for younger people. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Thoughts for today ...thoughts about God

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23
When a lawyer asked Jesus which commandment was the greatest, He said, “You shall love the Lord your God with all you heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind,” and “the second is like it, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself’” (Matthew. 22:37, 39). What an overwhelming assignment!
In our own strength, none of us can live up to this obligation, but the Lord has provided a way for Christians to do the impossible. The indwelling Holy Spirit works to produce His fruit in us, and first on the list is love (Galatians 5:22). In fact, the other eight qualities are really just descriptions of its expression.
Whenever we demonstrate kindness, patience, or gentleness, we see the Lord’s love at work through us, especially when the other person has been unkind and doesn’t deserve such pleasant treatment. This fruit is not produced by trying harder to muster good will toward someone who is irritating or hard to get along with. Instead, think of the process more like sap running through a branch on a grape-vine. The branch doesn’t make grapes; the sap does. In the same way, the Spirit flows through us, producing God’s love in us, so that we can pass it on to Him and others.
Agape love is the reason we are able to care for someone who mistreats us—it’s God’s doing, not ours. Even the adoration we offer the Lord is not something that we can produce in our own heart apart from His assistance. Though the command to love is enormous, God’s grace makes it possible.

Thoughts for today ...thoughts about God

Let not your hearts be troubled. Trust in God.”  John 14:1
It’s just the way I am. I can’t help it. I’m a worrier by nature. I’m too old to change.
Do any of those phrases sound familiar to you? Do you find yourself excusing your tendency to worry or your lack of discipline? Unfortunately we have too often allowed ourselves the Privilege of Excuse to mask areas in our lives which need change or improvement. We do not hesitate to challenge our children when they use excuses to cover their poor performance in school or their disobedience, but we frequently are far more lenient with ourselves when it comes to matters between us and God.
Jesus speaks to his friends in the hour of their greatest need, when they are about to witness their beloved Savior being beaten and killed. How preposterous of him to say they have the ability to not be troubled. Don’t they have every “right” to be agitated (the primary meaning of the word troubled)? Their world is about to crumble in front of their eyes. Their future is bleak. The one they have trusted to give them hope and a future is about to be murdered.
When Jesus uses the words “let not,” he is telling us that we have the power of choice. We need not be victims of our personalities or human tendencies or backgrounds. The road to victory is rocky and uphill, but God gives us the pattern for that victory: “Do not be anxious about everything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-8)
Precious Lord, I confess that it is much easier to make excuses for myself than to intentionally grow in faith. Help me face myself honestly, confess to you my lack of discipline, and then trust you to give me wisdom and strength to change.


1 Timothy 5:7-8  Give the people these instructions, too, so that no-one may be open to blame. If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. (NIV)

Relationships are not commodities. We do not ‘have’ them, we live in them. They are formed by what we believe deep in our hearts. Our need for relationship comes from being made in the image of God, and therefore we are accountable to Him. So, Paul instructs Timothy about how he should live, and what he should teach the church about living in a way which honoured God. Those who disobey God in how they relate with others, especially in their families, open themselves to Divine blame.

It is useless for a man or woman to profess to be related to Christ if they have no care for parents, brothers and sisters, children, uncles, aunts and cousins. He chose to set people in families so that they could learn to support and care for each other. Pretending to have no responsibility for our families is not just a social offence: disregarding our family offends God deeply. Such people are described as being worse than unbelievers! Most unbelievers instinctively feel that they should support the people in their family; so if believers ignore that instinct and God’s Word they must repent without delay.

Of course, it is not always easy. Caring for people with physical disabilities, mental impairment, unsuitable accommodation and inadequate finances is hard work. The physical and emotional strain can be great. Trying to help people who resist help, who argue or complain - is a struggle. That is why we need the grace of God. Without His help we are too weak for the task, and without His wisdom we often do not know what to do for the best. But with His help we can do everything He asks of us. If we are willing to be obedient, He will give us the resources; and when the time comes that He asks us to step back, He will make that clear. Until then let us serve with gladness.

Prayer:  Father God. I love Your wisdom of setting people in families. Thank You for all the love and care I have received from people in my family and from other believers. I am sorry for the times I have been so occupied with my concerns that I have ignored the needs of other members of my family. Please forgive me and enable me to see how important it is to serve my family. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.


1 Timothy 5:9-10  No widow may be put on the list of widows unless she is over sixty, has been faithful to her husband, and is well known for her good deeds, such as bringing up children, showing hospitality, washing the feet of the saints, helping those in trouble and devoting herself to all kinds of good deeds. (NIV)

In 1stC Ephesus, as in many places in the world today, the scale of human need was overwhelming. The church had to prioritise. Paul’s instruction to Timothy was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Widows who had trusted God should be honoured, but only if they met certain criteria: then they could be included on a list of women who received food and other help from the church.

The list parallels the description of the ‘virtuous woman’ in Proverbs chapter 31, except that these ladies were old (over 60 was old for those days) and widowed. However, during their marriage they were ‘one-man women’ (matching the monogamous description of elders in 1 Timothy 3:2 ). They were hard working at home, in the family, in the fellowship of the church and well regarded in the community as being kind and helpful to people in need. So, unfaithful, lazy, careless and self-centred women were excluded, and younger women were encouraged to think about their lifestyle and learn what pleases the Lord.

Some may think that that is harsh, or that surely the church should be helping everybody. But the scale of need is too vast even if every believer worked 24/7. And it is not the job of the church to save the world – Jesus is the only Saviour. But it is the church’s responsibility to be a visible signpost to Him, the doorway of the Kingdom of God (John 10:7 ) and the King Himself. As the world sees the church (the people of God) loving and caring for each other so they will marvel about her Head, Jesus Christ, and be drawn to Him (John 13:35 ). Focussed ministry is essential. We cannot do everything; we just need to play our little part as the Lord directs. Ask Him what He wants you to do, and do it well!

Prayer:  Loving Lord. Thank You for caring about old people and for Your desire to keep on using those who are truly godly, as examples to the church. I am sorry when I have devalued older people or when I have not cared for those who You especially honour. Please help me to see Your priorities in my life and in the ministry of my local church so that the world will see genuine love, and desire to meet Jesus. In His Name. Amen.